If you are looking for bulk bags, you need to go with the number one industrial bulk bag supplier in the country. If you’re not sure why you should choose Tufbag as your bulk supplier of choice, then allow us to explain why.

Our Quality

One of the most important things when it comes to providing bulk bags is dependable quality. Our clients depend on our bags to protect their valuable merchandise when it is being transported and stored. If our product fails, they lose their product.

This is why we do not cut any corners regarding quality control. We have highly trained quality control personnel who closely monitor the production process to ensure that minimum quality standards are upheld at all times. Our company’s future depends on it, so we take it extremely seriously.

In addition to stringent quality control standards, we also have a traceability feature worked into our production process. This integral aspect of the process allows us to trace back any unlikely potential production flaws back to the source, even if the source of the problem lies with the raw material itself.

This will help us to pinpoint where things went wrong so that we can rectify the problem immediately and avoid it ever repeating.

Our Reach

Although we are manufacturer and bulk bag suppliers in Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, we have distribution hubs in Johannesburg in Gauteng and Cape Town in the Western Cape as well. This means we can easily supply across the country into three of the largest economic hubs and business districts.

Our Team

We believe that an excellent product is not enough. It has to be backed up by an excellent team. The Tufbag team comprises highly experienced and eminently capable experts who thrive on making customers feel valued and cared for.

We take great pride in providing excellent service, which includes delivering orders on time and ensuring nothing but the best quality as well. Part of making customers feel like they matter is being available when needed, as well as being consistent about returning calls and responding to queries.

We feel as though regular client visits are an integral part of doing business, so our clients never feel like they are forgotten about.

To get serviced by one of the top industrial bulk bag suppliers in South Africa, contact Tufbag today and let us get you sorted!